Rethinking the status quo for bereavement leave

A guide to current trends in bereavement leave and best practices for family-oriented employers

The State of Bereavement Leave

Research on bereavement in the workplace has been rare until recently. Couple that with a culture that holds a strong taboo around death, and it’s no wonder that the value of the typical bereavement leave benefit wasn’t widely questioned, until recently. 

As research like our Cost of Dying report emerges, more and more companies are re-evaluating their approach to bereavement leave. This guide will cover current practices and how organizations are navigating changing work culture to center employee wellbeing.

What you'll learn:

  • The all-consuming reality of loss and why the “standard” 3 to 5 days just isn’t enough.

  • The limited legal requirements currently in place, and their shortcomings. 

  • How much leave companies offer today.

  • What grief experts recommend when it comes to bereavement leave.

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